Google Code-in/2015/Task suggestions: Difference between revisions

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m (Freso moved page User:Freso/Google Code-in tickets to Google Code-in/Suggested tickets: Let's keep GCI things together.)

Revision as of 16:57, 15 November 2015

Various small-ish thing that may be good for Google Code-in. Please feel free to add stuff to this page. Take a look at the three links below for inspiration about what kind of things are eligible for being GCI tasks.

Note: Please mark in parentheses which of the categories the task belongs to (multiple can be assigned): coding (CODE); documentation/training (D/T); quality assurance (QA); user interface (UI); or outreach/research (O/R)


Create GCI Student landing page (D/T)
QA tasks in all projects (QA; pos. O/R)
"As a new user, try to do X and let us know what you found confusing or too complicated".
Give a presentation to your class about {Meta,Music,Book,Listen,Acoustic,Critique}Brainz (O/R)
Either about the collection of projects, or about a specific project.
Make an infographic explaining how the various *Brainz are connected/related (O/R)
Organise an edit sprint (O/R)
Make a poster for use when organising possible edit sprints (O/R)


Make a (screencast) video explaining how to do X (D/T; O/R)
X = add release, add artist, add work, edit release, ...
Create a user with as complete information as possible, report any oddities (QA; O/R?; UI?; beginner)
Fill out at last location, languages, and bio. Preferably also the other information.
Oddities could include: bad translations, errors, something is non-intuitive, ...

Icon-related tickets (designing/displaying) (UI; CODE)
Some of these might involve two different tasks, one to design the icon and one to implement it (in some cases the latter might be a bit too tricky but the former still useful).
  • jira:MBS-8000 - Improve interface icons for better support of higher pixel density displays (UI)
  • jira:MBS-4644 - Indicate which releases have CAA art in listings (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-3491 - Indicators for collection items (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-8625 - Add data quality icons (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-6869 - Show video flag when displaying work recordings (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-6898 - Show video flag when displaying performances (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-7070 - Missing icon (small version) for area, place and work (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-2421 - Small icon near recording / work / release / artist / ... names to distinguish them (depends on 7070 and ideally on the following three) (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-8626 - Add an icon for instruments (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-8627 - Add an icon for events (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-8628 - Add an icon for areas (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-1352 - Different icon for Unknown/Person/Group on Artist pages (UI; CODE)
Sidebar icon updating
  • jira:MBS-8565 - Update the Discogs logo used in the sidebar (UI; CODE)
  • jira:MBS-8574 - Update the Google+ logo used in the sidebar (UI; CODE)

MusicBrainz Picard

Make a (screencast) video explaining how to do X (D/T; O/R)
X = add release, add artist, add work, edit release, ...
jira:PICARD-22 (CODE; UI)
Link to Picard Scripting page under 'File Naming'
jira:PICARD-24 (UI; pos. CODE)
Red/Green indication icons difficult to read for colour blind users
jira:PICARD-114 (CODE; UI)
Link to documention for file naming in preferences
jira:PICARD-226 (CODE; poss. UI)
Automatic clustering
jira:PICARD-692 (CODE; UI)
"Play File" button should be renamed to "Open in Player"
jira:PICARD-717 (CODE; beginner)
Picard default name files script refinement
jira:PICARD-756 (CODE; UI)
MusicBrainz/AcoustID entities should be hyperlinked in Picard


Add and publish review for your favourite album and note any issues (D/T; O/R; QA?)
Non-unique task. Split up in multiple tasks?
  • jira:CB-192 - Add link to CoverArtArchive on /artist and /release-group pages (CODE; UI)
  • jira:CB-188 - Translation of "CritiqueBrainz is a repository for..." missing (CODE; QA)
  • jira:CB-186 - Showing placeholder cover art image for events (UI; CODE)
  • jira:CB-184 - No good way to tell which entity type review is associated with (UI; CODE)
  • jira:CB-179 - Hidden reviews shouldn't be included in public data dumps (CODE; QA)
  • jira:CB-172 - "Notice! Please sign in to access this page" looks weird (UI; CODE)
  • jira:CB-171 - Mapping page fails to load if Spotify doesn't return info about an album (CODE; QA)
  • jira:CB-163 - Add info about compiling styling into installation instructions (D/T)
  • jira:CB-160 - Add a note that will warn users that drafts are not private (UI; CODE)
  • jira:CB-154 - Document data dump importing process (D/T)
  • jira:CB-146 - Add embedded player into review editor (UI; CODE)
  • jira:CB-134 - Show more information about Spotify albums on search page for matching (UI; CODE)
  • jira:CB-128 - Web API documentation should have usage examples (D/T)
  • jira:CB-123 - Display review language (UI; CODE)
  • jira:CB-117 - Use "identicon" Gravatar instead of "mystery-man" for users without email address (UI?; CODE?)
  • jira:CB-114 - Make review classes less confusing (D/T?; UI?; CODE?)
  • jira:CB-111 - Make language selector more visible (UI; CODE)


Import your Last.FM scrobble history and note any issues and glitches (O/R; QA?)
  • jira:LB-85 - Username in the profile URL should be case insensitive (CODE; QA)
  • jira:LB-35 - Write API documentation (D/T)

Cover Art Archive

jira:CAA-79 (CODE; beginner)
*Very* small! #Python #Git


3rd party projects

beets (CODE)
Add an AcousticBrainz plugin, part 1 (easy): Retrieve AB information based on a recording MBID. (CODE)
Add an AcousticBrainz plugin, part 2 (medium): Perform AB extraction and submission (like abzsubmit). (CODE)
Add a new ListenBrainz plugin to fetch play data. (CODE)
Fetch a large batch of new MusicBrainz data by refactoring the way beets stores source data to make it more flexible. (CODE)
Tolerate MusicBrainz recording ID changes when updating metadata. (CODE)
Ignore video and silence tracks identified by MusicBrainz when searching for missing tracks. (CODE)
Use MusicBrainz "pseudo-releases" to get transliterated metadata. (CODE)
Use MusicBrainz OAuth instead of storing username and password in the config file. (CODE)
Fetch and store the musicbrainz_releasetrackid in beets.

Document the workflow for submitting your carefully-crafted beets metadata to MusicBrainz. (D/T)

Write a post for the beets blog about how to "give back" by finding music in your beets library that MusicBrainz doesn't have yet and submitting new releases. (And the same for submitting cover art that you have but the Cover Art Archive doesn't.) (O/R)

Try importing your entire music library using beets and keep a log of what it got right, what it got wrong, and what was missing from MusicBrainz altogether. (QA)