Japanese Artists: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 07:23, 29 March 2007

Artists with Japanese Names or Works with Titles in Japanese

The following is a partial list of InternationalArtists whose names are Japanese, or who have works with titles in Japanese. If you can read and write Japanese, please consider adding these artists to your ArtistSubscriptions so that you can be notified when there are additions or changes to their discographies, and you can check them for errors. If you know of other Japanese artists not listed here, please add them.

  • = please add the above title in japanese = please add the above text in japanese too

あ行 (A row)

か行 (KA row)

さ行 (SA row)

た行 (TA row)

な行 (NA row)

は行 (HA row)

ま行 (MA row)

や行 (YA row)

ら行 (RA row)

わ行 (WA row)

need to sort still

  • catchers of mad wreck - think, but am not certain they're Japanese. Album I have is a non-vocal trip hop one, only real entry for it I've found online is a chinese one that lists electronic albums from various countries and says this album wasn't released by a label so it's probably a white label release of some sort - DJKC

Wikipedia list of Japanese musical groups Much more extensive Japanese Wikipedia list of musical groups (includes some non-Japanese groups)


Notes on Japanese sorting: Japanese is organized into rows for the alphabet. Order is a, i, u, e, o for vowels. (Hepburn romanization used for all of the English)

あ行 (A row) is: あA いI うU えE おO

か行 (KA row) is: かKA がGA きKI ぎGI くKU ぐGU けKE げGE こKO ごGO

さ行 (SA row) is: さSA ざZA しSHI じJI すSU ずZU せSE ぜZE そSO ぞ ZO

た行 (TA row) is: たTA だDA ちCHI ぢJI つTSU づZU てTE でDE とTO どDO

な行 (NA row) is: なNA にNI ぬNU ねNE のNO

は行 (HA row) is: はHA ばBA ぱPA ひHI びBI ぴPI ふFU ぶBU ぷPU へHE べBE ぺPE ほHO ぼBO ぽPO

ま行 (MA row) is: まMA みMI むMU めME もMO

や行 (YA row) is: やYA ゆYU よYO

ら行 (RA row) is: らRA りRI るRU れRE ろRO (and by extension because of japanese phonetics: LA LI LU LE LO)

わ行 (WA row) is: わWA をWO んN

Sorting is done by the reading of the name in hiragana. For example that is highly different from English sorting, the band 175R is pronounced Inago Rider so the sort name is いなごらいだー and it goes under I in the A row. For an example of one that does sort similar to how it would in English, the artist AI is also pronounced Ai so her sort name is あい and it goes under A in the A row. Similarily the band dorlis is pronounced Doorisu so their sort name is どーりす and it goes under DO in the TA row.

If you don't know the reading of a Japanese group/artist name then try searching Listen.jp for the artist name. If it's on there, and most Japanese artists should be, on the artist page it gives hiragana and katakana readings of the name. If you can't read Japanese at all or figure out the sort then just add the artist under the "need to sort still" heading.


Added some possibly chinese artists but is not sure. place holder until can be established. kiara, could you please tell me how to enter esoteric characters without everything going to heck? thank you. ~mo

Corrected the symbols but neither of those are Japanese. Names look Chinese to me. As for entering, copy and pasting works fine depending on your browser and encoding settings within it. - DJKC

I've moved those over to the Chinese page (Google confirmed that they're Chinese not Japanese). I just copy and paste and it works, but that's not very helpful. :) Check what encoding your browser thinks the page is, the page is being sent as Latin1, so I assume that's what the wiki expects, if yours is set to Shift-JIS or something, that's probably why. --Kiara

Added several artists, some without links because they're not yet in MB as a sort of TODO list. - DJKC

OK I added around 60 artists (ordered correctly). I replaced the links to artists of the form rze3r1zae53-zer54zea35.html to the special wiki syntax : wiki:Artist:rze3r1zae53-zer54zea35 — I don't know if this list is so useful by the way...? ♡j2-

  • no, you're wrong, this list is extremely useful, so thank you so very much because you added them and fixed the formatting, thank you! I'll also try to explain why it's so important. Basically there are a lot of artists in musicbrainz, and for an artist from Asia (but japan in particular) some things are unusual, they are very particular about their caps and the spelling, etc. See, there are these 'editing queries' that list albums that "seem to have odd capitalisation and punctuation" which, in regular english releases, should be fixed. This here list (and the other languages' lists) is a way for people to gather (and perhaps in the future integrate with that search query) which artists *shouldn't* be "fixed", and indeed, *shouldn't* even be in that query. Secondly I for one, like having lists of which artists come from where, as there is *no* way of knowing which country an artist is from without them. Finally if an artist is in a country/language list, that is an indication that at least *someone* has them under their radar, it helps collecting lists of special interests (see the Jazzpages for another implementation on this idea) and prevents artists from getting "lost" ~mo
    • Mmh yes I understand the use, thank you. :) I added another one (Iceman 6631660) for and adviced Editor:Michael-San about this page :) France 20070328.1908 ♡jesus2099
      • Thanks again, I didn't know of this "special wiki syntax", that's new. if you would like to change more artists in this list (and other lists : D), I'd be real happy. (it's kinda inconsistent as it is right now) if not I'd try my best, with what little I understand : D ~mo

Authors: mo, Kiara, DJKC, jesus2099