MusicBrainz API/Search/ArtistSearch

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Search Fields

The artist index contains the following fields you can search:

Field Description
area artist area
beginarea artist begin area
endarea artist end area
arid MBID of the artist
artist name of the artist
artistaccent name of the artist with any accent characters retained
alias the aliases/misspellings for the artist
begin artist birth date/band founding date
comment artist comment to differentiate similar artists
country the two letter country code for the artist country or 'unknown'
end artist death date/band dissolution date
ended true if know ended even if do not know end date
gender gender of the artist (“male”, “female”, “other”)
ipi IPI code for the artist
sortname artist sortname
tag a tag applied to the artist
type artist type (“person”, “group”, "other" or “unknown”)

Artist search terms with no fields specified search the artist, sortname and alias fields.