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This is a wiki sandbox. mbdoc:ke

This is a test of the emergency broadcast documentation caching system.



Direct download link

Tables (H2)

Release Fôrmat Tracks Date Country Label Catalog# Barcode
Frances the Mute CD 12 2005-02-21 XE Universal Records 075021039773 075021039773
Frances the Mute CD 12 2005-02-28 AU Universal Records 2103977 075021039773
Frances the Mute CD 12 2005-03-01 US Gold Standard Laboratories

Artists (H3)

The artist index contains the following fields you can search:

The table's caption!
field Description
arid artist id
artist artist name
sortname artist sortname
alias the aliases/misspellings for this artist

Artist search terms with no fields specified search the artist, sortname and alias fields.

Releases (H3)

The release index contains these fields:

field Description
reid release id
release release name
arid artist id
catno The catalog number for this release
barcode The barcode in a release event attached to a release

Lists (H2)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin venenatis, turpis quis rhoncus dignissim, orci tortor faucibus mi, at facilisis augue enim non erat. Aliquam pharetra tincidunt tortor, eu hendrerit ipsum lobortis quis. Mauris at lacus enim.

Ordered (H3)

  1. Foo
    1. Foobar
      • Foobarbaz
      • Foobarbaz
    2. Foobar
      1. FooBaz
      2. FooBaz
        • Foobarbaz
        • Foobarbaz
      3. FooBaz
    3. Foobar
    4. Foobar
  2. Bar
    1. Barfoo
    2. Barfoo
  3. Baz
    • Bazbar
  4. Foobaz

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin venenatis, turpis quis rhoncus dignissim, orci tortor faucibus mi, at facilisis augue enim non erat. Aliquam pharetra tincidunt tortor, eu hendrerit ipsum lobortis quis. Mauris at lacus enim.

Unordered (H4)

  • Foo
    • Foobar
    • Foobar
      • Foobarbaz
    • Foobar
  • Bar
    1. Barbaz
      • Barfoobaz
    2. Barbaz
      1. Barbazfoo
      2. Barbazfoo
Misc (H5)
  • Baz
    • Bazfoo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin venenatis, turpis quis rhoncus dignissim, orci tortor faucibus mi, at facilisis augue enim non erat. Aliquam pharetra tincidunt tortor, eu hendrerit ipsum lobortis quis. Mauris at lacus enim.

DTs and DDs (H2)

Artists (H3)

tori amos
search artist, sortname and alias fields
comment electronic
search for the word electronic in artist disambiguation (comment) fields
begin:1984 AND type:group
search for all groups formed in 1984

Releases (H3)

café del mar
search for all Café del Mar albums
"the understanding" AND artist:royksopp
search for the album The Understanding by the artist Röyksopp
date:1999 AND country:de AND rock
search for releases from Germany in 1999
with the word rock in them

Pres & codes

In mbserver's home directory is a directory called svn. This contains the latest MusicBrainz server code at the time of release. To make sure you have an up-to-date copy:

mbserver@brainzvm:~/svn/mb_server$ su -
brainzvm:~# /etc/init.d/apache-perl stop
Stopping web server: apache-perl.
brainzvm:~# exit

mbserver@brainzvm:~/svn/mb_server$ dropdb -U postgres musicbrainz_db
mbserver@brainzvm:~/svn/mb_server$ dropdb -U postgres musicbrainz_db_raw
mbserver@brainzvm:~/svn/mb_server$ ./admin/ --createdb --echo --import  -- --tmp-dir=/mnt/data/tmp ~/mbdump*.tar.bz2
<snip> -- Go get some coffee and a book, cause this'll take at least an hour to run.
Fri Oct 21 21:11:56 2005 : Initialized and imported data into the database.
Fri Oct 21 21:11:56 2005 : succeeded
mbserver@brainzvm:~$ su -
brainzvm:~# /etc/init.d/apache-perl start
Starting web server: apache-perl.
brainzvm:~# exit