User:Jacobbrett/English Punctuation Guide

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N.B. Usage of preferred characters is optional and sometimes unwarranted.

Preferred Unicode characters for English punctuation
Preferred Usage Deprecates
Hyphen Joins words and syllables of a word (e.g. co‐operate). - Hyphen-minus
Figure Dash Used as a dash within numbers (e.g. 555‒1212).
En Dash Indicates a range of numbers (e.g. 1989–90).
Minus sign Indicates subtraction.
Em Dash Separate thoughts—like this. -- Hyphen-minus ×2
Horizontal bar aka Quotation dash Introduces quoted text in some cases (non‐standard for English dialect).
Left single quotation mark Indicates start of quoted text. ' Apostrophe
Right single quotation mark
Indicates end of quoted text, or omitted characters.
Prime Minutes; feet
Left double quotation mark Indicates start of quoted text. " Quotation mark
Right double quotation mark Indicates end of quoted text.
Double prime Seconds; inches
Ditto mark Indicates that the word(s) or figure(s) below which it is placed are to be repeated.
Horizontal ellipsis Indicates intentional omission in original text…or a pause in speech or thought. ... Full stop ×3
× Multiplication Indicates a multiplication operation. x (the letter ‘X’) when used to indicate multiplication
Fraction slash Indicates arbitrary fractions of decimal numbers (e.g. 15⁄16). Hardcoded fractions: ¼, ½, ¾, ⅐, ⅑, ⅒, ⅓, ⅔, ⅕, ⅖, ⅗, ⅘, ⅙, ⅚, ⅛, ⅜, ⅝, ⅞, ⅟ and ↉. / Slash
Division slash Indicates a division operation (e.g. 3.14∕2n). / Slash