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Currently practising mp3splt and trying to find a nice way to query freedb or MusicBrainz.

Playing mp3 files with xmms, ripping with grip; downloading with gtk-gnutella on Gentoo Linux.

Working on a streaming server (Icecast) which also servers the lyrics at the same time

My website: - Zope/Plone with wiki under steady development - you're welcome.

Also made a nice mp3 voting and streaming tool in Python together with a friend. Search for mp3boost.


Florian aka FloK


I'd like to add: I'm still looking for the perfect mp3 management... I'd like to have all in Zope as it is my favourite thingie. - Zope people, tell me your experiences! - FloK

It's me again. I'm glad the installation of mb_server, mb_client, PythonMusicbrainz etc worked for me. :) Now i can start synchronizing my mp3boost data with mb. I have an own small db (currently in mysql) with six tables (song votings etc.) and at the moment also the song metadata. Now i'll change that, so the only field additionally to the pure mp3boost data is an foreign key id to the song id in the mb db. - Cool! :) - FloK, 040617