History:Development/XML Web Service/Version 1

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This page describes the next generation XML based web service for MusicBrainz. Initially we will discuss the proposed XML and its Relax NG schema for expressing MusicBrainz (and music in general) metadata. Once we hammer that out, we'll discuss the URL scheme proposed by Matthias Friedrich.

Use Cases

This new web service will have the following use cases:

  • Retrieve artist (via mbid)/album (via mbid/cdid)/track (via mbid)
    • Each of these should return a minimal amount of data and have options to return more detailed data:
      • artist: optional list of albums
      • album: optional artist info, cdids, release info, list of tracks
      • track: optional artist info
  • Retrieve a list of tracks that match a given trmid
    • same arguments that apply to track info should be used here
  • Full text search of the DB (via lucene query)
  • Login to MB
  • Submit trmids (after login)
  • Check donation status of user (for showing pop-ups in Picard)
  • Lookup track (like MBQ_FileLookup)

URL Schema

The web service will be REST style, which means we need a structure for our URL namespace. The schema discussed below allows for future development (using versions) and different types of output (using content negotiation). There will be at least three types of resources: artist, album and track, but more can be added later. You can either request a resource by its ID or apply a filter to the set of all resources of a type.

General query parameters:

type xml, html, whatever we want to support
inc A list of space separated values describing how much detail should be included in the output. If there is no 'inc' parameter, just the basic data for a resource is returned. For artists that would be name and sortName.

artist resources

Parameters for http://musicbrainz.org/ws/1/artist/MBID:

inc A list of data to be included from albums, relations, ...
thingy thingy thingy thingy!

Parameters for http://musicbrainz.org/ws/1/artist/:

name Fetch a list of artists with a matching name
limit Limit the number of artists returned

album resources

Parameters for http://musicbrainz.org/ws/1/album/MBID:

blah do something
thingy thingy thingy thingy!

Parameters for http://musicbrainz.org/ws/1/album/:

name Fetch a list of albums with a matching name
limit Limit the number of albums returned

track resources

Parameters for http://musicbrainz.org/ws/1/track/MBID:

blah do something
thingy thingy thingy thingy!

Parameters for http://musicbrainz.org/ws/1/track/:

name Fetch a list of tracks with a matching name
limit Limit the number of tracks returned

XML Format

The following sample XML document describes a partial album:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mb:metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
      <mb:album id="8f468f36-8c7e-4fc1-9166-50664d267127" type="album">

        <mb:counts track="11" cdid="10" trmid="73"/>

        <mb:artist id="8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11" begin="1991" end="2011">

          <mb:release date="1994-10-17" country="us"/>

           <mb:cdid id="D5LsXhbWwpctL4s5xHSTS_SefQw-"/>

          <mb:track id="b5d7d380-f43a-4c1f-a5de-694150b093ac" duration="306200">

            <!-- This block is shown only if the track artist != album artist -->
            <mb:artist id="8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11" begin="1991" end="2011" type="group">

               <mb:trmid id="58bdde9c-9c47-487a-94ae-1e9c4001bd3d"/>



The above XML parses and validates with the following Relax NG schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   Relax NG Schema for MusicBrainz XML Metadata Version 0, draft 1

   Copyright (c) 2004 Robert Kaye
   The schema is released under the Creative Commons 
   Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.


     - Constrain text values and attributes
     - Add AR support
     - Add extensibility

<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"

     <ref name="metadata"/>

   <define name="metadata">
       <element name="mb:metadata">
           <ref name="artist-list"/>
           <ref name="album-list"/>
           <ref name="track-list"/>

   <define name="album-list">
       <element name="mb:album-list">
               <ref name="album-entity"/>

   <define name="artist-list">
       <element name="mb:artist-list">
               <ref name="artist-entity"/>

   <define name="track-list">
       <element name="mb:track-list">
             <ref name="track-entity"/>

   <define name="artist-entity">
       <element name="mb:artist">
               <attribute name="id"/>
               <attribute name="begin"/>
               <attribute name="end"/>
               <attribute name="group"/>
               <attribute name="type"/>

           <element name="dc:title">

               <element name="mb:sortName">

   <define name="album-entity">

       <element name="mb:album">
               <attribute name="id"/>
               <attribute name="type"/>
               <attribute name="status"/>

           <element name="dc:title">
             <element name="mb:counts">
                     <attribute name="track"/>
                     <attribute name="cdid"/>
                     <attribute name="trmid"/>
               <element name="az:asin">

               <ref name="artist-entity"/>

             <ref name="release-list"/>

             <ref name="cdid-list"/>

             <ref name="track-list"/>


   <define name="track-entity">
       <element name="mb:track">
               <attribute name="id"/>
             <attribute name="duration"/>

           <element name="dc:title">
             <ref name="artist-entity"/>
             <ref name="album-entity"/>
             <ref name="trmid-list"/>

   <define name="release-list">
       <element name="mb:release-list">
           <element name="mb:release">
               <attribute name="date"/>
               <attribute name="country"/>

   <define name="cdid-list">
       <element name="mb:cdid-list">
           <element name="mb:cdid">
               <attribute name="id"/>

   <define name="trmid-list">
       <element name="mb:trmid-list">
           <element name="mb:trmid">
               <attribute name="id"/>
