History:Next Generation Schema/Track Relationships Conversion

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Decided in IRC Meeting Other


AR Type     Now         NGS         Comment    
Arranger Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Work Decided to keep it this way for now; may also be made Artist-Recording post-NGS, depending on discussion.
Art Direction Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Artist and Repertoire Support Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Audio Engineer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Booker Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Chorus Master Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Compiler Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording see discussion in Compilation Relationship Type, below
Composer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Work
Conductor Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Creative Direction Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Design and Illustration Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Editor Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Engineer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Graphic Design Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Instrumentator Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Work
Legal Representation Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording Could also be Artist-Work, but for conversion purposes we'll keep it on this until NGS.
Librettist Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Work
Liner Notes Author Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Live Sound Engineer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Lyricist Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Work
Mastering Engineer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Merchandising Provider Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Miscellaneous Role Relationship Type Artist-Track Both
Mix Engineer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Mix-DJ Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Orchestra Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Orchestrator Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Work Decided to keep it this way for now; may also be made Artist-Recording post-NGS, depending on discussion.
Performer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Photography Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Producer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Programming Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Publisher Relationship Type Artist-Track Both
Recording Engineer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Remixer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Samples Artist Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Sound Engineer Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording
Travel Agent Relationship Type Artist-Track Artist-Recording


AR Type     Now         NGS         Comment    
Samples Relationship Type Release-Track Release-Recording Refers to actual audio data.


AR Type     Now         NGS         Comment    
Publisher Relationship Type Label-Track Both


Note: Track-Track ARs might become either Recording-Recording, or Recording-Work, or Work-Work (and maybe also Work-Recording).

AR Type     Now         NGS         Comment    
Compilation Relationship Type Track-Track Work-Work and Recording-Recording Designates that a single entity (i.e. not more than one recording/work) draws from multiple entities. Thus: a specific Recording from several Recordings; it won't be Works in this case, because that would be a Medley (at least for conversion to NGS). In converting data, will be converted to a Recording-Recording AR, since Work-Work is more likely to be Medley.
Cover Relationship Type Track-Track Recording-Recording
DJ Mix Relationship Type Track-Track Recording-Recording
Earliest Release Relationship Type Track-Track Recording-Recording Deprecated AR Type: such recordings should be merged
Karaoke Relationship Type Track-Track Recording-Recording
Mash-up Relationship Type Track-Track Recording-Recording
Medley Relationship Type Track-Track Work-Work Medley requires a new performance, according to Mix Terminology, so the audio data is not the same -- hence should be Work-level.
Other Version Relationship Type Track-Track Work-Work Should now just mean "same Work"; should be merged - deprecated
Remaster Relationship Type Track-Track Recording-Recording
Remix Relationship Type Track-Track Recording-Recording
Samples Relationship Type Track-Track Recording-Recording Sampling refers to actual audio data, hence recording for the source. The choice of specific recording to sample from wouldn't change the work (i.e. two Recordings which each sample a different Recording could still be the same Work; hence Recording for the sampling entity.


AR Type     Now         NGS         Comment    
Art Direction Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Artist and Repertoire Support Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Booker Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Creative Commons Licensed Download Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Creative Direction Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Design and Illustration Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Free Download Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Graphic Design Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Has Lyrics At Relationship Type Track-URL Work-URL
Has Score At Relationship Type Track-URL Work-URL
IBDb Relationship Type Track-URL Work-URL
IOBDb Relationship Type Track-URL Work-URL Where is this db?
Legal Representation Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL As with other legal representation AR, could also be to Works, but we'll convert to Recording for now
Merchandising Provider Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Miscellaneous Role Relationship Type Track-URL Both
Paid Download Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Photography Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Publisher Relationship Type Track-URL Both
Recording Studio Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL
Samples From Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL Samples refer to actual audio data.
Travel Agent Relationship Type Track-URL Recording-URL

New Work-Work ARs to Create

AR Type     Comment    
Re-arranged version For a re-arranged version of the same Work. See http://test.musicbrainz.org/work/5aab016c-f3e8-48aa-86e0-abd221c7b501/relationships versus http://test.musicbrainz.org/work/5aaff0c1-73d0-4593-9e14-dacb925c6532/relationships for our example of this