History:Untitled Track Style

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  1. For untitled tracks, enter "[untitled]" as the name. These are usually tracks that have not been given a name on the release (album sleeve and liner notes) it appears on.
    1. If the track is on another release with an official name, use that name instead of "[untitled]".
    2. If the track is widely known under an unofficial name, you can use that name between square brackets (conforming to the Capitalization Standard) as track name instead, e.g. "[Unofficial Name]".
  1. For tracks that contain only silence, enter "[silence]" as the name. These tracks are often only a couple of seconds in length.
  2. For tracks that do not contain songs and that are not named by the artist, you can enter a descriptive name between brackets in all lowercase, or "[untitled]".
  3. For music tracks for which the name is unknown, enter "[unknown]" as the name. This refers to tracks of which the name cannot be known even after extensive research.

Note that Data Tracks should follow Data Track Style.


Many releases contains tracks that are not named or do not consist of songs. A common example of untitled tracks is the 'hidden' or bonus songs that are often found on CDs after the listed tracks, either appended to the last track of the release or as a separate track.


  1. This applies to the abovementioned 'hidden' songs, e.g. track 11 on Cords' No Guru No Method No Beeper. When they appear on a track that also has a listed song, this rule has to be used in combination with Multiple Title Style, e.g. track 13 on Bush's Razorblade Suitcase. Also, there are vinyl dance music releases that consist completely of untitled tracks, e.g. untitled.
  2. Some releases separate bonus tracks from the listed tracks by one or more tracks that contain only silence. A version of Nine Inch Nails' Broken uses the full 99 tracks available to the CD format; tracks 1 to 6 are music, tracks 7 to 97 are silence tracks, and tracks 98 and 99 are 'hidden' tracks.
  3. This will mostly be used for live bootleg releases where there are tracks containing crowd noise, a guitar solo, etc. Corresponding names would be [crowd noise] and [guitar solo], e.g. track 3.