Indexed Search Syntax

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This page describes the syntax for MusicBrainz indexed searches which use the Lucene text search engine. The search indexes for these types of searches are updated every 3 hours, and thus may not reflect up to the minute changes. The direct search searches the database directly: it can only carry out simple keyword searches with no boolean logic, but it is always up-to-date.


Lucene offers much flexibility in defining search queries for all needs imaginable. To make it easier to understand, this page was divided into subpages. While this one offers an introduction to the most commonly used features, the others explain more advanced search operators and constructs.

First some words on the the terminology used in these pages:

A query is the complete expression you put in one of the search fields.
A term is the smallest unit inside a query. In the default case each single word inside a query is a term of its own, except for ...
A phrase is a groups of words surrounded by quotation marks. Even though it's containing more than one word, a phrase is handled like a term.
or search operators are special characters and words that define either how single terms are processed by the search system (e.g. in -house the - tells the search system, not to return anything with the word house) or how to terms are to be combined in the search (e.g. one AND love means search for anything that has both words one and love).

The sections below Query Syntax describe simple and commonly used operators, more advanced features can be found in the Lucene Search Syntax

But first take a look at a few simple examples which might show everything necessary for the majority of your searches.


  • It is not possible to search for an album based on its track length, however, it is possible to search via total number of tracks.

Example searches


tori amos
  • search artist, sortname and alias fields
  • search for the word electronic in artist disambiguation (comment) fields
begin:1984 AND type:group
  • search for all groups formed in 1984


café del mar
  • search for all Café del Mar albums
"the understanding" AND artist:royksopp
  • search for the album The Understanding by the artist Röyksopp
date:1999 AND country:de AND rock
  • search for releases from Germany in 1999 with the word rock in them


type:album AND amadeus
  • search for recordings with the title amadeus from albums
day life
  • will retrieve A Day In The Life
  • will retrieve Life In A Day
  • will retrieve This Day
  • will retrieve That's Life
day AND life
  • will retrieve A Day In The Life
  • will retrieve Life In A Day
  • will not retrieve This Day
  • will not retrieve That's Life
"day in the life"
  • will retrieve A Day In The Life
  • will not retrieve Life In A Day
  • will not retrieve This Day
  • will not retrieve That's Life
"voodoo people" AND artist:"the prodigy"
  • search for all recordings with the title Voodoo People by the artist The Prodigy

Query syntax


To perform a single character wildcard search use the "?" symbol. To perform a multiple character wildcard search use the "*" symbol. For example, to search for "text" or "test" you can use the search te?t, to search for "test", "tests" or "tester", you can use the search test*.

Note: You cannot use a * or ? symbol as the first character of a search.

Fuzzy searches

To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a single word term. Optionally can specify the required similarity, a value is between 0 and 1. For example to search for a term similar in spelling to "roam" use the fuzzy search roam~ or roam~0.8

MusicBrainz-specific search fields

Search Fields

The Artist index contains the following fields you can search

Field Description
alias (part of) any alias attached to the artist (diacritics are ignored)
primary_alias (part of) any primary alias attached to the artist (diacritics are ignored)
area (part of) the name of the artist's main associated area
arid the artist's MBID
artist (part of) the artist's name (diacritics are ignored)
artistaccent (part of) the artist's name (with the specified diacritics)
begin the artist's begin date (e.g. "1980-01-22")
beginarea (part of) the name of the artist's begin area
comment (part of) the artist's disambiguation comment
country the 2-letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) for the artist's main associated country
end the artist's end date (e.g. "1980-01-22")
endarea (part of) the name of the artist's end area
ended a boolean flag (true/false) indicating whether or not the artist has ended (is dissolved/deceased)
gender the artist's gender (“male”, “female”, “other” or “not applicable”)
ipi an IPI code associated with the artist
isni an ISNI code associated with the artist
sortname (part of) the artist's sort name
tag (part of) a tag attached to the artist
type the artist's type (“person”, “group”, etc.)

If you don't specify a field, the terms will be searched for in the alias, artist and sortname fields.

Release Groups

The release group index contains the following fields you can search:

Field Description
arid MBID of the release group’s artist
artist release group artist as it appears on the cover (Artist Credit)
artistname “real name” of any artist that is included in the release group’s artist credit
creditname name of any artist in multi-artist credits, as it appears on the cover.
rgid MBID of the release group
releasegroup name of the release group
releases number of releases in this release group
type type of the release group (album, single, ep, compilation, soundtrack, spokenword, interview, audiobook, live, remix, other)
release name of a release that appears in the release group
reid MBID of a release that appears in the release group
tag a tag that appears on the release group
comment release group comment to differentiate similar release groups


The release index contains these fields:

field Description
reid MBID of the release
release name of the release
arid MBID of an artist appearing on this release
artist name of the artist as it appears on the cover
artistname MusicBrainz name of any artist which appears in the artist credits
creditname name of any artist in the artist credit as it appears on the cover
type type of the release group in which the release appears (album, single, ep, compilation, soundtrack, spokenword, interview, audiobook, live, remix, other)
status release status (official, promotion, bootleg, pseudo-release)
format the format of the medium (CD, DVD, Vinyl, digital media, etc.)
tracks number of tracks in the release
tracksmedium number of tracks on any medium of the release
mediums number of mediums on the release
discids number of disc IDs for the release
discidsmedium number of disc IDs for any medium of the release
date date for the release
asin the Amazon ASIN for the release
lang the language for this release. Use the three character ISO 639 codes to search for a specific language. (e.g. lang:eng)
script the 4 character script code (e.g. latn) used for this release
country the two letter country code for the release country or 'unknown'
label the name of a label for this release
laid the MBID of a label for this release
catno the catalog number for this release
barcode the barcode for this release
puid PUID of a track on the release
comment release comment to differentiate similar release

Release search terms with no fields search the release field only.


Recording searches can contain:

Field Description
rid MBID of the recording
recording name of the recording
arid MBID of any artist credited on the recording
artist name of the artist as it appears on the track list
artistname MusicBrainz name of any artist included in the Artist Credit
creditname name of any artist as credited
reid MBID of any release on which this recording appears
release name of any release on which this recording appears
type release type (album, single, ep, compilation, soundtrack, spokenword, interview, audiobook, live, remix, other, standalone)
status release status (official, bootleg, promo, pseudo-release)
tracks number of tracks on the medium where this recording appears
position disc number in a multi-disc release where this recording appears
tracksrelease total number of tracks on all mediums of the release where this track appears
dur duration of recording in milliseconds
qdur quantized duration (duration / 2000)
tnum track number on any release where the recording appears
isrc ISRC of the recording
tag a tag which has been applied to this recording
date date of any release where this recording appears (note: NOT the date of performance of the recording)
comment recording comment to differentiate similar recordings
country the two letter country code for the release country or 'unknown'
format the format of the medium (CD, DVD, Vinyl, digital media, etc.)

Recording search terms with no fields search the recording field only.


Works searches can contain:

Field Description
arid MBID of any artist related to the work
artist name of any artist related to the work
artistrelation relationship of an artist to the work (FIXME: needs some more description)
wid MBID of the work
work name of the work
iswc any ISWC of the work
type type of the work
alias the aliases/misspellings for the work
tag any tag applied to the work
comment work comment to differentiate similar works


The label index contains the following fields you can search:

Field Description
laid MBID of the label
label name of the label
sortname sortname of the label
ipi IPI code for the label
type label type
code label code (only the figures part, i.e. without "LC")
country The two letter country code of the label country or 'unknown'
begin label founding date
end label dissolution date
comment label comment to differentiate similar labels
alias the aliases/misspellings for the label
tag any tag applied to the label


The annotation index contains the following fields you can search:

Field Description
text The content of the annotation
type The entity type (artist, releasegroup, release, recording, work, label)
name The name of the entity
entity The entity's MBID

FreeDB Releases

The FreeDB index contains the following fields you can search:

Field Description
artist artist name
title release name
discid FreeDB disc id
cat FreeDB category
year year
tracks number of tracks in the release

CD Stubs

The CD Stub index contains the following fields you can search:

Field Description
artist artist name
title release name
barcode release barcode
comment general comments about the release
tracks number of tracks on the CD stub
discid disc ID of the CD