Indexed Search Syntax

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Revision as of 03:52, 25 February 2006 by RobertKaye (talk | contribs) (Defined default fields (Imported from MoinMoin))
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Attention.png Status: Currently under development. Please help copy and adapt the lucene query syntax docs to our needs!

While we contruct this help page, please see the lucene query syntax page for details on how to construct MusicBrainz text search queries.

Example searches


  • tori amos - search artist, sortname and alias fiels
  • comment:electronic -- search for the word electronic in artust comment fields

TOOD: add more here!

MusicBrainz specific search fields

The artist index contains the following fields you can search:

field Description
arid artist id
artist artist name
sortname artist sortname
artype artist type (0 - unknown, 1 - person, 2 - band)
begin artist birth date/band founding date
end artist death date/band dissoluion date
comment artist comment to differentiate similar artists
alias the aliases/misspellings for this artist

Artist search terms with no fields specified search the artist, sortname and alias fields.

The release/album index contains theses fields:

field Description
reid release id
release release name
arid artist id
artist artist name
type release type (1 - album, 2 - single, etc.)
status release status (1 - official, 2 - promo, 3 - bootleg)
tracks number of tracks in the release
discids number of cd ids for the release
date earliest release date for the release
asin the Amazon ASIN for
lang The language for this release (TODO: add lang #s)
script The script used this release

Album search tears with no fields search the release field only.

And track searches can contain:

field Description
trid track id
track track name
arid artist id
artist artist name
reid release id
release release name
type release type (1 - album, 2 - single, etc.)
tracks number of tracks in the release
dur duration of track in milliseconds
qdur quantized duration (duration / 2000)
tnum track number

Track search terms with no fields search the track field only.