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The existing instructions are okay, but because they try and cover all bases they can be more confusing than they need to be. SO I thought it would be useful to show exactly what is reuired for just one common scenerio.
The existing instructions are okay, but because they try and cover all bases they can be more confusing than they need to be. So I thought it would be useful to show exactly what is reuired for just one common scenerio.

==Install software not available from apt==
==Install software not available from apt==

Revision as of 09:53, 18 March 2013

The existing instructions are okay, but because they try and cover all bases they can be more confusing than they need to be. So I thought it would be useful to show exactly what is reuired for just one common scenerio.

Install software not available from apt

- Install Xubunu 12.10 from CD

- Download and unzip mbslave

- Download an unzip psycopg 2-2.4.6

Download Musicbrainz Datadumps

cp /home/paul/Downloads/mbdump*.bz2 /home/paul/Downloads/lalinsky-mbslave*

Install Postgres

sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-server-dev-9.1 postgresql-contrib-9.1
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin

Configue psycogs2

sudo apt-get install python-dev
cd /home/paul/Downloads/psycopg2-2.4.6
python setup.py install

Configure mbslave

cd /home/paul/Downloads/lalinsky-mbslave*
cp mbslave.conf.default mbslave.conf

uncomment password line and set to musicbrainz

Setup Musicbrainz Database

sudo su - postgres
createuser musicbrainz
createdb -l C -E UTF-8 -T template0 -O musicbrainz musicbrainz
createlang plpgsql musicbrainz
plsql musicbrainz
ALTER ROLE musicbrainz WITH PASSWORD 'musicbrainz'
echo 'CREATE SCHEMA musicbrainz;' | ./mbslave-psql.py -S
echo 'CREATE SCHEMA statistics;' | ./mbslave-psql.py -S
echo 'CREATE SCHEMA cover_art_archive;' | ./mbslave-psql.py -S
./mbslave-remap-schema.py <sql/CreateTables.sql | sed 's/CUBE/TEXT/' | ./mbslave-psql.py
./mbslave-remap-schema.py <sql/statistics/CreateTables.sql | ./mbslave-psql.py
./mbslave-remap-schema.py <sql/caa/CreateTables.sql | ./mbslave-psql.py
./mbslave-import.py mbdump.tar.bz2 mbdump-derived.tar.bz2 mbdump-cdstubs.tar.bz2 mbdump-cover-art-archive.tar.bz2
./mbslave-remap-schema.py <sql/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql | ./mbslave-psql.py
./mbslave-remap-schema.py <sql/statistics/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql | ./mbslave-psql.py
./mbslave-remap-schema.py <sql/caa/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql | ./mbslave-psql.py
./mbslave-remap-schema.py <sql/CreateIndexes.sql | grep -vE '(collate|page_index|tracklist_index)' | ./mbslave-psql.py
./mbslave-remap-schema.py <sql/statistics/CreateIndexes.sql | ./mbslave-psql.py
./mbslave-remap-schema.py <sql/caa/CreateIndexes.sql | ./mbslave-psql.py
./mbslave-remap-schema.py <sql/CreateSimpleViews.sql | ./mbslave-psql.py

Build Search Server

sudo apt-get install subversion
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk maven2 tomcat7 
mkdir code
mkdir musicbrainz
cd code/musicbrainz
svn co http://svn.musicbrainz.org/mmd-schema/trunk mmd-schema
svn co http://svn.musicbrainz.org/search_server/trunk search_server
cd mmd-schema/brainz-mmd2-jaxb
mvn install
cd /home/paul/code/musicbrainz/search_server/servlet/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF

Edit web.xml change to <param-value>/home/paul/indexdata</param-value>

Build Indexes

cd /home/paul/code/musicbrainz/search_server/index/target
java  -jar index-2.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --indexes-dir /home/paul/indexdata -d musicbrainz -u musicbrainz -p musicbrainz