MMD Schema with Git

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Checkout Schema, particular branch

Checking out git schema

git clone mmd-schema

Possible create new branch following changes

We may just want to branch from master

git checkout -b mbs-799

or we may want to branch from another =remote repos we are interested

Then create new branch that tracks the branch in that remote repository containing the changes we are interested in

git remote add ian; 
git fetch ian 
git checkout --track -b mbs-799 ian/mbs-799;

Make Changes

Edit Files

Pick up any additional changes if neccessary

git pull

Commit files to my local version

git commit -a -m "message"

Send to my remote Repos

Create new remote reopos forked from mmd-schema in bitbucket Then map to it and push my branch to it.

git remote add ijabz1
git push ijabz1 mbs-799

Request other review Changes

Login to BitBucket

Go to my new repository and 'Pull'

Choose ijabz/metabrainz-schema and branch from left hand side

Choose the metabrainz-mmdschema repos and master branch on the right-handside

Add Reviewers

Wait for Reviews

Need at least two If okay then request my pull request is merged into main branch