MusicBrainz API/Search/RecordingSearch

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Search Fields

Recording searches can contain you can search:

field Description
arid artist id
artist artist name is name(s) as it appears on the recording
artistname an artist on the recording, each artist added as a seperate field
creditname name credit on the recording, each artist added as a seperate field
comment recording disambuguation comment
country recording release country
date recording release date
dur duration of track in milliseconds
format recording release format
isrc ISRC of recording
position the medium that the recording should be found on, first medium is position 1
qdur quantized duration (duration / 2000)
recording name of recording or a track associated with the recording
reid release id
release release name
rid recording id
status Release status (official, promotion, Bootleg, Pseudo-Release)
tnum track number on medium
tracks number of tracks in the medium on release
tracksrelease number of tracks on release as a whole
type Release Group type (album, single, ep, compilation, soundtrack, spokenword, interview, audiobook, live, remix, other)
tag folksonomy tag

Recording search terms with no fields search the recording field only