MusicBrainz Database/Download

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Products > MusicBrainz Database > Database Download


Please read the MusicBrainz Database product page and the database schema documentation if you are not familiar with the MusicBrainz Database.


There are a two different methods to get database up and running, you can either:


Public Domain

norights-a.gif The core data (artists, releases, tracks etc.) is released into the public domain.

download.gif mbdump.tar.bz2 Core data (artists, albums, tracks etc.) If you are setting up a test server, this is the only dump you will need to get started.
download.gif mbdump-cdstubs.tar.bz2 CD stubs

Creative Commons

File:cc-nc-sa-2.0-88x31.png The edits, editors (non-personal data only), and derived data is available under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

download.gif mbdump-derived.tar.bz2 Derived data (mainly search indexes)
download.gif mbdump-moderation.tar.bz2 Edit data (editors, open edits/notes/votes, statistics)
download.gif mbdump-closedmoderation.tar.bz2 Closed edit data (closed edits/notes/votes)
download.gif mbdump-artistrelation.tar.bz2 Closed edit data (closed edits/notes/votes)

RDF export

The RDF export, mbdump.rdf.bz2, is no longer available. If you want a complete RDF export, please download the PostgreSQL database export (as described above), set up a MusicBrainz Server, then run mb_server/admin/ to produce an RDF export.