MusicBrainz Database/Download

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Products > MusicBrainz Database > Database Download


Please read the MusicBrainz Database product page and the database schema documentation if you are not familiar with the MusicBrainz Database.


There are a two different methods to get a local database up and running, you can either:

  • Download a pre-configured virtual image of the MusicBrainz Server, or
  • Download the data dumps and follow the relevant section of the INSTALL


If you are interested in keeping the data in sync with MusicBrainz using our live data feed, you can either:

  • Set up a local MusicBrainz Server from source (uses PostgreSQL),
  • Use an alternative PostgreSQL setup using mbslave that includes replication without the rest of MusicBrainz Server, or
  • Use an alternative MySQL setup using mbzdb that includes replication without the rest of MusicBrainz Server


The data dumps are available for downloaded at

The license and contents of each file is described below.

Public Domain

norights-a.gif The core data (artists, releases, recordings, etc.) is released into the public domain.

Core data (artists, albums, recordings, etc.) If you are setting up a test server, this is the only dump you will need to get started.
CD stubs

Creative Commons

File:cc-nc-sa-2.0-88x31.png Derived data along with a complete edit history and non-personal user data is available under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Derived data (annotations, tags, search indexes)
Edit data (open and closed edits, edit notes, votes, auto-editor elections)
Editor data (editors)