MusicBrainz Summit/2012 Mini-Summit

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This mini-summit is aimed at introducing customers and other people who use MusicBrainz data to the MusicBrainz team. We would like to discuss how MusicBrainz and its community can work more closely with its customers. The summit will take place in London on Jan 30, 2012, starting at 10am - 6pm. After the summit is over, we're going to have a pint at a nearby pub.

If you are interested in attending, please send mail to rob at musicbrainz dot org. Please tell us who you are and what sorts of topics you'd like to see covered at the summit.

Planned Attendees

Name Organization Status Interests
ruaok MusicBrainz confirmed
ocharles MusicBrainz confirmed
reosarevok MusicBrainz confirmed
Nikki MusicBrainz confirmed
ijabz Jthink confirmed
Andy Puleston BBC confirmed product and roadmap updates; potential for extending the data; extending ARs around recordings
Ben Chapman BBC confirmed
Alex Robertson BBC confirmed
Dan Gravell elsten software confirmed Meeting the community, learning of new developments, and understanding how MusicBrainz is developing for application developers
Adrian Woodhead confirmed person #2 confirmed person #3 tentative
Marco Oliveira Triworks (Megabox) tentative
Dan Simpson Sony DADC tentative
Justin Barker Universal Music tentative

Other orgs invited, but no response yet: Guardian, EMI


Most likely at the BBC in London W1 (near Oxford Circus). Attendees who have expressed interest will get a confirmation email with all the details closer to the date.


To be determined, based on attendee feedback. This summit is being held for the benefit of MusicBrainz users/customers and we're taking suggestions about what topics should be covered at the summit.