Talk:Editing FAQ

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Revision as of 16:28, 25 June 2011 by (talk) (Updated with freenode chat.)
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RE: Merging releases

The editing FAQ says releases should be merged if:

the number of tracks is the same
the track titles are the same
track lengths within 2 secs

What about barcodes, publisher, packaging, release date, and format?

From Freenode chat Sat Jun 25 12:27PM EST: <gpeterso> The editing FAQ says releases should be merged if: # tracks same, track titles same, and track lengths within 2 secs. What about barcodes, publisher, packaging release date? <warp> gpeterso: oooh, sounds like that FAQ is outdated

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<warp> gpeterso: where did you read that? <gpeterso> <gpeterso> warp: <warp> last changed in 2009. yes, that FAQ has clearly not been updated with the changes for the NGS release <gpeterso> warp: I am about to add a Discussion on the Editing FAQ on the wiki to that effect. Is that the best thing to do? Which criteria is worth another release? Barcode, publisher, packaging, or release date? <warp> gpeterso: all of those <Mineo> + format <gpeterso> warp, Mineo: So, what to do? I don't know who you are, you don't know who I am... Just that we are all interested for some reason. Is there some official party that should rule on this? <gpeterso> warp, Mineo: I can cut and paste this into the discussion page, but there's no discussion going on there. Should I actually edit the wiki? This seems a little, off-the-cuff for an official change. <warp> gpeterso: the StyleCouncil may be the closest thing to an official party in this case. though technically they only govern Official Style guidelines on the wiki. <warp> gpeterso: I'm not sure what the new text would say, otherwise I would edit it properly right now. <gpeterso> warp: Turns out I don't even have permission to leave a comment. <warp> gpeterso: I plan to discuss this with nikki, perhaps we can come up with a new text between the two of us. otherwise we'll ask the style mailing-list. <warp> gpeterso: obviously if you have a suggestion for the text feel free to suggest it on the discussion page. <gpeterso> warp: Can't - don't have password. <warp> gpeterso: hm?, anyone can edit the wiki <warp> gpeterso: the password should be printed in the password box (unless you're using opera, where it gets cut off). <gpeterso> warp/Mineo: I asked because someone voted down my merge. I've now spoken to two others besides that person and met with unanimous opinion that they are right. If consensus counts for anything, I should cancel my merge. <gpeterso> warp: oh, OK, I'm in. I guess I'll edit the actual faq to include the following: <gpeterso> "Different bar-codes, publishers, packaging, release dates, and formats may be sufficient reasons NOT to merge." <warp> ok <gpeterso> warp: that way rules lawyers like me will be more amenable to doing the right thing.