Talk:Style/Artist/Sort Name

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What about The Dave Matthews Cover Band? Should it sort like "The Dave Matthews Band"? --zout 14:56, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

  • I would imagine so; I would change it to something like, "Mathews, Dave, Cover Band, The". --navap 23:23, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

Why is it that A Perfect Circle is not Perfect Circle, A when nearly all bands beginning with The are sorted otherwise? --Jpmoss 20:34, 7 August 2009 (UTC)


I personally don't think the reorganization of this page has made the guidelines any clearer. While a separation of guidelines and examples is understandable, the current guidelines part of the page is very incomplete. Ideally, you would be able to understand all the guidelines by just reading the guidelines part, and only have the examples to illustrate the guidelines and perhaps a few more difficult examples or exceptions to the general guidelines. However, currently the guidelines don't even state for example for a person the sortname is "Lastname, Firstname" (or anything else for that matter). So I have to read the examples to learn the actual guidelines. I think this is a wrong way to present the guidelines, since the guidelines should be complete and the examples should only be there to reinforce/elaborate the guidelines, not to introduce new ones. But that's just my two cents ;) --MightyJay 11:15, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Dutch names

I don't agree with the currently proposed style for Dutch artist names with tussenvoegsel. For the name "Boudewijn de Groot", the wiki currently proposes to use "Groot, de, Boudewijn" with the justification:

Better than "Groot, Boudewijn de" where "de" seems to be part of the first name, which it is incorrect.

IMO this makes it way too complicated, I would stick with "Groot, Boudewijn de". I justify this proposal by noting that this is the recommended? official? way to use tussenvoegsel from the Dutch Wikipedia article (translation) -- 14:26, 31 August 2009 (UTC)