User:OliverCharles/LookupDirectoryViaTracktimes: Difference between revisions

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((Imported from MoinMoin))
m (1 revision(s))

Latest revision as of 07:54, 15 March 2009

A python shell script to lookup a directory on a custom MusicBrainz server - mainly work by Faux.


""" MusicBrainz album lookup from track times

A handy little script ported to Python by myself, from
FauxFaux's original PHP script to lookup a cuesheet.
Given a directory name, this script will find all MP3s
in the directory, and try and find an album that matches
the tracks.

Thanks Faux!

import sys
from os import listdir
from os.path import join, isfile

import psycopg2
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3, HeaderNotFoundError
from mutagen.flac import FLAC

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration stuff
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DBHOST = 'localhost'                        # The database hosting the *modded* tables
DBNAME = 'musicbrainz_db'                   # The musicbrainz database name
DBUSER = 'musicbrainz_user'                 # The user who can access the musicbrainz DB
DBPASS = ''                                 # A password for that user, if it requires one

DIR = sys.argv[1]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Extract track times
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

tracks = []
files = listdir(DIR)
for f in files:
    if isfile(join(DIR, f)):
            thing = MP3(join(DIR, f))
        except HeaderNotFoundError:
            continue            # Only handles MP3s atm
        tracks.append( * 1000)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Query the databes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

conn = psycopg2.connect('dbname=%s host=%s user=%s password=%s' % (DBNAME, DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASS))

sql = """
FROM album_tracklist
    JOIN album ON ( = album_tracklist.album)
    JOIN artist ON ( = album.artist)
    WHERE track_count = %i
""" % (len(tracks))

number = 0
for track in tracks:
    sql += """
    AND (tracklist[%i] BETWEEN %i AND %i)
""" % (number + 1, track - 40000, track + 40000)
    number += 1

sql += "ORDER BY LIMIT 20"

cursor = conn.cursor()

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Present the results
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rows = cursor.fetchall()
if len(rows) > 0:
    print "I found %i matching albums" % (len(rows))
    if len(rows) > 1:
        counter = 1
        for row in rows:
            print " * %i. %s - %s" % (counter, row[1], row[2])
            counter += 1
        print "Please select an album: "
        albumNumber = int(sys.stdin.readline()) - 1
        albumNumber = 0
    albumRow = rows[albumNumber]
    print "Ok, I think that %s is %s by %s" % ('some dir', albumRow[2], albumRow[1])