User:RobertKaye/Schema Change Release May 2012

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Tickets under consideration for May 15 2012

Unclear tickets

The following tickets are not clearly specified:

Please provide more information on these tickets.

Conflict tickets

This ticket is a lot of work and may conflict with a Summer of Code proposal:

I'm unsure how to proceed with this ticket.

Clearly stated tickets

These tickets seem relatively simple and can proceed without too much trouble:

Next Steps

For each of these tickets, we will require the following two pieces of work:

  • Specify exactly what the user interface changes will be. Mock ups would be great. Due date: April 2
  • Specify exactly what the database changes will be. We will need to have an exact database table change proposal. Exactly which columns will be added/removed/modified and what new tables will be created. If you cannot specify the changes to be done, chase down a developer to specify them for you. Bonus points if the change is described in actual SQL statements. Due date: March 26

Tickets that do not provide the required information by the given due date will be removed from the 2012-05-15 schema change.