Style/Specific types of releases/Doujin music

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Doujin music releases are self-produced and published as doujin activity. They are often fan creations and are typically launched at conventions such as Comiket, but may also be sold online or made available for streaming.

Doujin creators organize themselves into circles whose activities include performance, production, and publishing.

This guide advises a common style for entering doujin releases into MusicBrainz where guidance beyond the core MusicBrainz style guide seems necessary.

Release Artist

Use the circle's name as the release artist unless specific marketing on the product indicates otherwise by labeling it a solo album and/or indicating a different primary release artist.



Unless the release is distributed by a different label, use a personal label for the circle.


Track Artist

If the release is a collaboration between multiple circles and the track listing indicates the circle as credit for the track then use the circle as the track artist.

Otherwise, if dedicated track artist(s) are credited in a format that's suitable as MusicBrainz track artists then use these as the track artists. Remember to apply featured artist styles.

Otherwise, use the release artist as the track artist.

In all cases, use relationships to represent specific song credits where they are known.


Related discussions:

  • Edit #73151248 discusses the use of circles as track artists for crossover releases
  • Edit #64245775 discusses deference to release artist where track credits are not presented in a way that can be used for MusicBrainz track artists