How To Make Relationships: Difference between revisions

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(Big rewrite to add the Artist-Tracks Relationship instructions. Not complete. (Imported from MoinMoin))
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Revision as of 08:43, 15 March 2009


How to add Advanced Relationships

Alert.png ToDo: This HowTo was adjusted to relect the interface as of December 2007. Needs review. 2007-Dec.

Let's say that I'd like to add the information that Grinspoon's album Easy was produced by Jonathan Burnside. Here are the steps:


If you aren't already logged in, login to MusicBrainz (see LoggingIn).

Find the first element

Browse to the first thing you want to relate. It doesn't matter which one you choose first. In this case, I'm choosing the release, Easy.

From here, there are four paths you can follow, depending on what kind of second element you want to relate to this first element.

  • If you want to relate a URL to here, this is the wrong HowTo. See HowToAddURLs
  • If you want to add an AdvancedRelationship to an Artist, a Release as a whole, or to a single Track, you can use the Relate To... Method instructions immediately below.
  • If you want to add an ArtistTrackRelationship to some or all tracks on a Release, you can use the Relate To Multiple Tracks Method instructions further below.
  • Or, also if you want to add an AdvancedRelationship to an Artist, a Release as a whole, or to a single Track, you can use the Select Separately Method instructions at the bottom.

Relate To... Method

This method is the most direct way to add an AR between any Release, Track, Artist or Label, and any other.

In the window showing your first element, find a link that says Relate To.... Click this link. A small dialogue box pops up right where the link was. It has a pop-up menu, a blank text box to the right, with disabled "Create relationship" and "Cancel" buttons below them.

Alert.png ToDo: Add screenshots. 2007-Dec.

In the dialog box, select the type of the second element. Click in the text box, and type a search string in the text box. A "Lookup" button appears just below the text box.

Click the Lookup button. The Lookup button moves down, and a list of matching elements appears between the text box and the button.

If you don't see the name of the item you want, change the search string and click the Lookup button again. A modified list of results appears.

If you want to abandon this attempt, click anywhere outside the text box, list of results, and Lookup button. This makes all three disappear.

When you see the item you want, click on it. The name of this second element appears in the text box. The "Create relationship" and "Cancel" buttons are now enabled.

Click on the "Create relationship" button. A Create Relationship page appears. Click on the "Cancel" button to abandon this procedure and leave the database unchanged.

Filling out the Create Relationship page

Alert.png ToDo: Flesh this out -- sorry, work in progress. Add screenshots. 2007-Dec.

Fill out the various fields on this page.

Click on the "Enter Edit" button to submit your edit to MusicBrainz. Click on the "Cancel" button to abandon this procedure and leave the database unchanged.

This ends this method.

Relate To Multiple Tracks Method

This method is a good way to add an ArtistTrackRelationship to some or all of the Tracks on a Release, all at once. It's particularly useful if you read ArtistRoleInheritance and are convinced that ARs for performers, writers, and directors belong at the track level instead of the Release level.

Just as in the previous method, find a link that says Relate To.... Click this link, search for the second element, and move to the Create Relationship page.

Alert.png ToDo: Add screenshots. 2007-Dec.

However, one of the elements (either first or second) must be a Release, and the other must be an Artist. You will actually be relating to the tracks of that Release. Your other element must be Artist . It can't be Track, since the Create Relationship: Release-Track page doesn't have the special link we use below. It can't be Release or Label, since there are no ReleaseTrackRelationships or LabelTrackRelationships defined. If your first element is an Artist or Track, you should select Release type for the second element.

Switch to Multiple Tracks

On the Create Relationship: Artist-Release page, look for the Release listing. Just below it is small text which reads, "Add relationships to tracks on this release". Click on this. (That's the magic!) A Create Relationship: Artist-Tracks page appears.

On this page, there is a list of the tracks on the Release, each with a checkbox beside it. For each track to which the Artist has a relationship, check the corresponding checkbox. Where the Artist has no relationship, leave the checkbox blank.

Alert.png ToDo: Flesh this out -- sorry, work in progress. Add screenshots. 2007-Dec.

Now fill out the Create Relationship page as in the instructions above.

Click on the "Enter Edit" button to submit your edits — one Artist-Track edit for each track checked — to MusicBrainz. Click on the "Cancel" button to abandon this procedure and leave the database unchanged.

This ends this method.

Select Separately Method

Select the first element

To do this, click on the "Use this release in a relationship" link in the box just under the title box. That's the one circled in red in the following diagram:


Once you've done that, the relationship box will change to show you all the things you've selected. So far you've only got one, which isn't enough to make a relationship, so the box will tell you this:


Find the second element

Browse to the second thing you want to relate. You can take your time doing this - MusicBrainz won't "forget" about the element you've already selected[1]. You can even create a whole new database entry from scratch if you need to. In this case, I've created a new artist, Jonathan Burnside, because he hasn't been entered in the database yet.

Select the second element

Once you've found the second element, click on the "Use this artist in a relationship" link. Now the relationship box will show both the elements you've selected so far, and since there are two, the "Create relationship" link appears.


The relationship creator page

Click on the "Create relationship" link. This will take you to a page where you have to choose which kind of relationship you want to use. This page will be different depending on whether you have JavaScript enabled in your browser. If you do, the page will look like this:

HowToMakeRelationships rel-creator-init-withjs.png

JavaScript allows the page to hide unnecessary detail depending on which values you choose. If you have JavaScript disabled, the page will look rather more complicated:

HowToMakeRelationships rel-creator-init-nojs.png

The rest of my screenshots are going to assume that JavaScript is enabled. However, the instructions are the same with or without JavaScript.

Choose the relationship type

Select the correct relationship type from the drop-down box at the top. In my case I choose "{additionally} produced", in the "production" category. The words in braces ("{" and "}") are optional attributes. When I select "produced" from the drop-down list, a new checkbox, "additional", will appear on the page.


This allows me to include the relationship attribute AdditionalRelationshipAttribute in my relationship. I'm not going to, since Jonathan Burnside was the only producer on this release. There are also start and end date fields. These are useful for relationships such as band memberships (MemberOfBandRelationshipType) and marriages (MarriedRelationshipType), but in this case they're not useful.

So that relationship is ready to submit. I type a moderation note into the box saying where I got the information from, and then click on the "Submit" button.


The moderation has now been submitted, and other users can now vote on it. In the meantime, MusicBrainz generously assumes that the moderation is OK, and displays it on the release page for Easy:

HowToMakeRelationships finished.png

This will now be visible to all users, until the edit gets voted down or the relationship is deleted by another edit.

Related How To's

Further Information



  1. IIRC the elements you selected are stored on the server-side and are related to your session-ID. Therefore the server will remember your selection for the whole session. You can always clear the list by selecting [Cancel].