
From MusicBrainz Wiki
< Development
Revision as of 21:10, 23 November 2015 by RobertKaye (talk | contribs)
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This page attempts to outline the development team's priorities in broad strokes -- this priority list should serve as a general guideline for our team to decide what to work on when the weekly dev meetings don't provide enough guidance.

Winter 2015/2016

For winter 2015/2016, the following priorities exist for the dev team, in order of most important to least important: (most of these have been carried over from summer, since these are big goals)

  1. Site stability and performance issues: If the site is misbehaving or not performing as it should, the dev team should focus on resolving those issues as the first priority.
  2. ModBot/Nagios: If ModBot or Nagios sends periodic emails about an issue, the dev team should address these issues quickly. ModBot fixes may not require hot-fixes, but they should be addressed as soon as possible.
  3. Making more edits auto-edits: We've started the process of making more edits auto-edits. This will require a number of new features/tweaks to existing features in order to ensure that our data quality does not suffer as a result of this. Bitmap is taking charge of this process and listening to community feedback.
  4. In-site communication/notifications: MBS-1801 implementation using XMPP to allow users of all of ours sites to easily use in-site communication. This is Gentlecat's primary project, currently.
  5. Bug fixing/finishing existing features: Fixing bugs or finishing tasks left over from the May 2015 schema change.
  6. Apply new branding to In lieu of moving to a full bootstrapped site, we should do minor cosmetic changes to the existing header bar and update the site to use the new MusicBrainz colors.
  7. New features: Creating new features or starting new sub-projects should not be considered this summer, since we have a lot of things that are higher priorities.
  8. New schema change features: Our next schema change release will be May 2016, so we have nothing really new on this front for right now.