
From MusicBrainz Wiki
Revision as of 16:18, 19 May 2011 by Azertus (talk | contribs) (tried to document the merge recordings edit type)
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In MusicBrainzTerminology, a recording represents unique audio data. It has a title, an artist credit, a duration, and a list of PUIDs and ISRCs.

The documentation for this entity seems to be lacking currently. This page also needs NeedsIntertwingling.


This MusicBrainz database entity is part of the Next Generation Schema (NGS) that went live in May 2011.

Edit Types

While there is not yet a list of Recording Edit Types or Recording Edits, edits to Recordings can be listed here.

Merge Recordings Edit Type

When two (or more) existing recordings in the database represent the same audio data, they can be merged using the MergeRecordingsEditType.

Adding recordings to the list of recordings to be merged, is done by visiting the individual recordings' pages and clicking on 'Merge recording'. A section called 'Merge process' pops up at the bottom of the screen, keeping track of the recordings you have selected. When you have listed all recordings to be merged, click on the button 'Merge' at the bottom.

You are then presented the 'Merge Recordings' page. You will have to select one of the existing recordings for the rest to be merged into. This is done by clicking on the radio button in front of the recording that you want to become the final recording. There is a checkbox above these radio buttons of which this writer is ignorant of its function (FixMe! please).


These are all different Recordings:

  • Album version of the track "Into the Blue" by "Moby"
  • Remix "Into the Blue (Buzz Boys Main Room Mayhem mix)" by "Moby"
  • Remix "Into the Blue (Underground mix)" by "Moby"
