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Revision as of 09:51, 5 October 2005

Status: This is correct and up to date documentation, although there is some argument about the form of presentation (see at the bottom, if you are interested :). See also HowAnnotationsWork.

What is an Annotation?

  • It's a new feature, it enables anyone, even you, to add a note to an artist's page, or any individual album. Unlike most other MetaData at MusicBrainz, where you should only enter factual, categorical data, such as title, artist name date etc. annotations can be used to add information; like miniature artist biographies, links to sites, information about BoxSets, if this is a vinyl-release or a Remaster.. etc, the ideas are limitless.

Ok, but what should I and what should I not use it for?

(might be unnecessary question, but I wanted to give a brief description of some examples of do's and don'ts ~mo)

  • You can for example put links there. links to websites, official or fanbased. Discographies, to track listings (in the case of AlbumAnnotations). Links to Wikipedia articles, other MusicBrainz albums and artists etc.
  • You can add information that is relevant to track times, bonus tracks, artist names. And you can combine this with links, for example 'the tree last tracks on this release are bonus tracks, the original release is herelink'
  • What differentiates an album from an (seemingly identical) other.
  • That an album needs to be worked on, (in which case it would be a good idea to use a change log text, as this is what people see in the AddAnnotation-query)
  • A reminder that so and so should be linked to so and so artist/album once AdvancedRelationships is in action.
  • If a release looks dodgey but what you want is confirmation and information about it before you actually initiating any moderations.
  • However, Annotations should not be used for discussing any moderation or release, this is what ModerationNotes are for. * Write and link translated + transliterated albums together with their original entry, like for example: * *This is the transliteratedtranslated version ofAlbumNamelink * *This is the original version oflink please do not merge these two versions or change the capitalizations or halfwith etc. of this one. That is what the transliteratedtranslated version is for.

these are proliminary examples and forming tests. feel free to change/add, move them about or to even put them on another page. ~mo

How do I add an Annotation?

  • On every artist or album page, there is a textbox that says: "This artist/album doesn't yet have an annotation. Add an annotation >>" Just click 'Add an annotation' and start editing.

What text formatting can I use in an Annotation?

  • Currently you can add a new paragraph by creating two new lines, (i.e., pressenter twice) Secondly, for ArtistAnnotations, you can (and should if the annotation gets long) add a 'read more' break. You do this by simply adding a new line, a hyphen, and a new line again (i.e.enter -enter). Otherwise, if the entry is more than a certain length, one will be added automatically, perhaps not at the best point.

Can I use links to other websites or MB albums or artists?

  • Yes. But remember to use the 'permanent link' when linking to artists or albums in MusicBrainz, as merging and deleting can change the links.

This artist already has an ArtistAnnotation, what should I do?

  • You can still edit this Annotation! just click the 'Edit' link in the blue bar at the bottom. You will be presented with a textarea like usual but this has contents of the current Annotation, simply edit (or just add) the necessary things.
  • This works exactly the same way if a release already has an AlbumAnnotation.

What is this 'Show history' thing? How does it work?

  • Show History gives a detailed list of edits done to this specific Annotation, from the first to the last (and current) this way spam or malicious edits (edits done to remove or destroy data) can be rectified easily.

What does clicking 'diff' do?

  • The 'diff' link shows differences between this annotation and the one just before it, this is just for comparason.
  • Notice that the first initial Annotation does not have a 'diff' link.

How do I delete an Annotation?

  • Currently, all you can do to delete an Annotation is to delete all the text in it.

What does "Warning: this is not the most recent annotation for this artist." mean?

I am editing an annotation but at the top of the page there is a warning in yellow that says "Warning: this is not the most recent annotation for this artist." what does that really mean?

  • Exactly what it says, you are editing one of the annotations on the history page. If you save your changes they will replace the current annotation.
  • That way you can easily undo spam.

Why does it say that someone else is editing this annotation?

  • Because somewhere out there in the world, within the last 20 minutes, someone else was editing this annotation.
  • You'll expect to see this a lot with really popular artists or albums.

In what form should I write Annotations in?

  • This is still up for discussion.


BTW This is not really an FAQ. These questions are in no way frequent they are just made up. It would probably be better to move all of this into AnnotationDocumentation and make a good doc of it. --DonRedman

but don't you think that as time goes by, these questions will be frequent? that usually when people are looking for answers to their questions, 'FAQ' is what they usually expect it to be called? I was being erh. pre-emptive? :) mo

(-: I just believe that the repartition between HowAnnotationsWork, AnnotationFAQ, and a possible AnnotationDocumentation is not clear. --DonRedman

I get your point, but the way I see it is that HowAnnotationsWork is a much more 'detailed' and advanced explanation, and AnnotationDocumentation doesn't even exist yet and even so would be something completely different :) ~mo

Btw, writing an FAQ before any real questions appear including question that might be asked by inexperienced users is never a good idea, and it looks like we have a lot of those FAQs that often don't help much answering common questions. Just compare the questions with those that come up on IRC over and over again. --Fuchs

and have we ever gotten any questions conserning annotations in the irc or mailinglist that isn't covered by this? no. maybe I'm not daft at writing FAQ then. >( ~ mo

Authors: Mo, DonRedman, Dupuy