Development/Seeding/Release Editor

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This page documents a list of parameters you can POST to the release editor to "seed" it. All values are optional unless otherwise stated.

To create a new release:

Release data

The name of the release. Non-empty string. Required
A disambiguation comment for the release. Non-empty string
Text to place in the releases annotation
The barcode of the release. May be any valid barcode without whitespace
The date of the release. Each field is an integer
The country the release was released in. May be any valid country ISO code (for example, GB, US, FR)
The language of the release. May be any valid ISO 639-2/T code (for example, eng, deu, jpn)
The script of the text on the release. May be any valid ISO 15924 code (for example, Latn, Cyrl)
The status of the release, as defined by MusicBrainz. Possible values: official, promotion, bootleg, pseudo
The type of the release group, if a release group will be created. Possible values: album, single, ep, compilation, soundtrack, spokenword, interview, audiobook, live, remix, other
The type of packaging of the release. Possible values: jewel-case, slim-jewel-case, digipak, paper-sleeve, other

Labels and catalog numbers

Releases may be associated with multiple labels and catalog numbers, so the fields for specifying these is a little different. You must specify a positive integer for the n part of the field name to specify which label/catalog number pair you are referring to. For example: label.0.mbid and label.0.catalog_number

The MBID of the label.
The catalog number of this release, for label n.
The name of the label. If an MBID is present, this value is ignored.

Artist credit

A release may be credited to multiple artists via what is known as an "artist credit." To specify the artists a release is credited, you can use the following fields:

The MBID of the artist. If omitted you will be able to either create the artist in the RE, or search MusicBrainz for this artist.
The name of the artist, as credited on the release. Optional, if omitted it will default to the artist's current name
The name of the artist as it is usually referred too.
An optional phrase to join this artist with the next artist. For example, you could use " & " to join "Calvin" with "Hobbes" to get the final text "Calvin & Hobbes"

Tracklists and Mediums

As with labels above, their may be multiple mediums and tracklists may contain multiple tracks, so again you will need to fill in the n and m parameters accordingly. As with others, n and m are 0-indexed. Values for n must be in consecutive order starting with 0; with at least 1 track for each medium.

Any valid medium format name: may be any one of auto generate me
The position of this medium in the list of mediums. If omitted, it will be inferred from the order of all mediums passed in (which is normally what you want).
The name of medium n (for example "Live & Unreleased")
The name of track m on medium n
As like the release artist credit, allows you to specify a tracks artist credit. Defaults to the release artist credit.
The tracks duration, in MM:SS form or a single integer as milliseconds

Other data

Specify the contents of an edit note