Development/Summer of Code/2012

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This year Robert Kaye, Oliver Charles and Kuno Woudt will probably be amongst our mentors. That's ruaok (Robert), warp (Kuno) and ocharles (Oliver) on IRC, if you want to come and speak to us first. Some potential mentors are listed by each project; this is far from a normative list, but it might give you somebody to ask about the project.


Repository for Creative Commons-licensed reviews

Proposed mentors: ruaok, ocharles, warp

There's been some discussion of implementing a system somewhat similar to the Cover Art Archive for Creative Commons-licensed album reviews. This is very open-ended at the moment.

Read-only, browser-oriented site

Proposed mentors: reosarevok, gioele, navap

There's been some discussion of implementing a site better geared toward casual browsing users, rather than editors. This is very open-ended at the moment.

Location support

Proposed mentors: ruaok, ocharles, warp

Currently, MusicBrainz stores only a country (with various entities), based on a current ISO standard list, which obviously doesn't tell that much about locations, especially for releases, artists, etc. that happened well before the establishment of current country boundaries. Better location support could be implemented a lot of different ways and take a lot of different forms.


Proposed mentors: nikki

musicbrainz-server doesn't currently run with any translation, although we have some partial stuff set up.

Server Internationalisation links to relevant transifex, language-specific translator pages, and such.

Internationalization is a very old discussion of issues re: internationalization; some may still be useful.

Finishing an iPhone app

Proposed mentors: jdamcd

We had an attempt to create an iPhone app during GSoC 2010 that didn't ultimately result in a final product. We'd love to have one, though.

Extending the usefulness of collections

Proposed mentors: ocharles

Collections might be much more than they are now. Allowing them to work as release subscriptions and allowing free text fields come to mind.


About proposals

Before you dive in and send a proposal to us through Google, it's a good idea to take some time and learn about the MusicBrainz community. At MusicBrainz we pride ourselves for having a strong community - most of us know each other in same way, and some of us know each other face to face from development summits.

A good way to get a feel of this would be to lurk around in IRC, or to talk about your proposals on the mailing lists.