MusicBrainz Summit/11

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MusicBrainz Summit 11 will happen in Rotterdam, Netherlands on October 15 - 17, 2011.

The main part of the summit will happen on October 15 and half of October 16. October 17 will focus on companies using or wishing to use the MusicBrainz data. Anyone is welcome to attend any portion of the summit, but October 15/16 will focus on general MusicBrainz topics and October 17 will focus on commercial aspects of MusicBrainz. Companies wishing to discuss how they use MusicBrainz should plan to attend on October 17.

Attendees should expect to arrive in Rotterdam in the afternoon/evening of October 14 and plan to depart in the afternoon/evening of October 16, unless you plan to stay for the October 17 portion of the summit as well.


We're looking to book a conference room somewhere for at least one day, if not two days. If you have any leads, please let us know!


if you're planning on attending put your name down below. Don't worry - doesn't have to be definite, but it's nice to have a rough idea :)

  • warp, lives in Rotterdam, NL (ask him if you have questions about anything dealing with the Netherlands :)
  • CatCat (strange guy) will land in Charleroi at about 16:15 and arrive via trains with reosarevok at about..
  • Nikki
  • ianmcorvidae if he determines he can afford it/has the time
  • murdos if he determines he can afford it/has the time and the willing to, and has finished moving house
  • reosarevok, unless something goes very wrong, will be meeting with CatCat and getting to R'dam late in the 14th
  • ruaok, will be attending to perform master acts in cat herding.
  • Adrian Woodhead, from will be arriving on Thursday and leaving on Monday.
  • jdamcd will probably attend but hasn't arranged anything yet. Will be travelling from London.

Sponsors and MusixMatch have agreed to sponsor the summit!


October 14:

Evening dinner/drinks for general socializing.

October 15:

General summit day. The exact schedule will be determined closer to the date and the actual agenda will be created at the beginning of the summit.

October 16:

General summit day.

October 17:

Commercial use/customer centric day. Schedule to be determined at the beginning of the day.